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1944 - Wednesday. To Gradution [[Graduation]] from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. to corner. said "Goodby" to Miss [[Anors?]].

1945 Thursday. hot. Aunt Katie in the evening to tell me to come Saturday at 11 AM instead of tomorrow.

1946 Friday and 15 min. of school.
Last day. got 3 A's - 4 B's. cooler
outside. Tim Conner is going to go to St. Johns in Wash. next year.

1947 Saturday. Daddy & boys to Waldorf &etc. rained all day. cloudy. Griffens.



1944 Thursday - warm outside today. Miss school very much.

1945 Friday. hot. Turkeys look bad. cleaned turkey house out.

1946 Saturday. Cold. Daddy & boys out late. Miss. Freeman married at 7:30 p.m. I didn't get to go. O'Neil

1947 Sunday. nice out. Daddy & boys out. Heard usual radio programs. Bed around 11 pm.