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June 16
1944-Friday and no school. Near the end of "A Son of His Father" by Harold Bell Wright. like it very much. sick

1945 Saturday. H.H. score liked very much. Daddy and boys went to Dr. Badens & Aunt Maggies. 

1946 Sunday. warm. Daddy and boys out. Ozzie Nelson went off for summer. Heard the Hour of Charm. 

1947 Monday + school. Glee Club 2nd period. Library club party 7th period. Gantt Florence and Maggie + Reprode [[?]] in the afternoon. cool out. Reeder at school. 

June 17
1944 - Saturday. warm today. Finished "A Son of His Father". very sick again today. 

1945 Sunday. Aunt Lucy and Uncle Charles down. I came back with them. Tomorrow I get to see "Ike". warm. 

1946 Monday + no school. washed clothes today. Daddy boys out. hot today. Heard Telephone Hour - Marian Annason [[Anderson]]

1946 Tuesday + school. Glee Club 2-3 periods. Assembly 7th period. warmer in afternoon. cool at night. Mr Reede at school.