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1944 - Sunday. to Sunday School. to Aunt Maggies saw Aunt M., May, & Cousin Genie. warm out today.

1945. Monday. Saw "Ike" today. (band
music, [[jups?]] & etc.") saw "The Enchanted Cottage" at R.K.O. Kieths. Rain about 4 p.m. saw Betty & Miss. Arlely. [[good guess?]]

1946 Tuesday. put blankets out on line. very hot out. Tomorrow is the Louis & Conn fight. Heard about it today.

Wednesday & school until 1 pm. rainy all day. Mr. Reeder at school. Like him alot. Went to Graduations got home about 11 pm. Saw Mr Reeder there also Mrs. Dickenson.



1944 - Monday. rain all day. Mother washed today. very sick so is Mother. Daddy to corner in afternoon.

1945 Tuesday. Aunt Lucy and me to
Museum (national) and too National
Gallery of Art. rain. say "Brezzing [[Breezing]] Up" by W. Homer & talk on it.

1946 Wednesday. Louis-Conn fight. Louis won. rainy. Cold. Daddy, boys to tobacco Market. Conn - married. dark black hair

Thursday & last day of school. got off at 10 am. Said "good-bye" to teachers - Mr Reeder, & Mr. Connor. Will miss Mr. Reeder a lot.
warm. changed my room about. F & boy to Waldorf