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1944 - Saturday. hot today. men got in hay today.

1945 Sunday. Mary Rex radio birthday to Rock Creek Park and then took Mary to Glenn Lake. warm 

[[left margin]] to Marchin in the morning [[ left margin]]
1946 Monday. very hot. Daddy out late! Mahe & Robin until 10 p.m. China-men in afternoon.

1947 Thursday. cool out. washed clothes. planted potatoes. Daddy + Mother @ Aunt Minervas.  



1944 Sunday. hot today. Mother kind of sick.

1945 Monday. Went to the Congressional Library and to the Capital. shopping. saw a Eclipse of the sun in the morning. rain.

1946 Tuesday. hot. shower. China- man. Dyson. Daddy + hays out. Bonnie + Hopkins.

1947 Wednesday. warm out. painted porch chairs + etc. John Bonds cut more hay. Daddy + Robert out. heard "the whistler".