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1944- Wednesday. very windy today. planted tobacco today, over on the place.

1945- Thursday. cool. planted potatoes.

1946- Friday, very hot. rain about 8:30 p.m. Daddy, hay out. Daddy to corner. dug potatoes. 

1947- Saturday. John Brude raked hay. Daddy & Ray to Waldorf Daddy drunk. rained in afternoon. Heard "Grand Old Opery [[Opry]]"


1944 - Thursday. cool out today. planted tobacco. Mr Simmons today: Mrs. Smott, Sisty, & Buckey in evening. Daddy & boys ice plant. me A and M.

1945 Friday. To Dr. Badens. Planted potatoes. called up Emily.

1946 Saturday. Chan in afternoon also [[Goldowilk?]]. Daddy & boys out. Heard "Nationel Barn Dance.

1947 Sunday. Gantt & Florence in afternoon. very hot out. Daddys boye out. Heard "Blondie" and etc.