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July 18
1944. Tuesday. very hot today. still fell sick. Mother cut out a dress for me today.

1945 Wednesday. rained. stripped of tobacco. no paper.

1946 Thursday, May & Holiday. Daddy out late at night. Heard "Hobby Lobby." Mother not feeling so good

1947 Friday. hot out. raked & hauled hay in. Heard Famous American Novels, [[_f_ways?]] in Melody, Waltz Time &etc.


1944 - Wednesday. First meeting of the Democratic Convention was held today in Chicago, rain about 9:45 p.m.

1945 Thursday. rained Heard Mr. Keen and Town Meeting got papers today. stripped tobacco.

1946 Friday. Mother to Washington with Mae & Hollidays. hot. Slippers (cat) has been missing for long time.

1947 Saturday. rained until 2 pm. Daddy & boys to Waldorf all day. Daddy drunk. Heard "Hit Parade" & etc.