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Aunt Lizzie Turner's birthday. Grandmother & Grandfather's wedding day. 

1944- Monday. Daddy [[?]] hay today. Mother washed [[?]] today. 

1945- Tuesday. hat. Mr. Richard in afternoon
Daddy and boys tobacco market gone all day.

1946 Wednesday. didn't go out.  Matilda here today. Heard Ted Malone. Heard Watergate [[?]].

1947- Thursday. went downtown to [[?]] had luck there. warmer. Grandmothers & grandfathers 75 wedding aniversity.


1944- Tuesday. Daddy & boys to Maggies, postoffice & [[?]]. very hot today.

1945 Wednesday. hot. Daddy & hays out. stripped [[?]] spread wheat.

1946 Thursday. cooler today. didn't go any where. 

1947 Friday. went downtown to the movies. saw Dicken's "Great Expectations". Very good. Did some shopping. hot.