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July 28
1944 - Friday. hot today.
1945 Saturday. 10 AM today a B25 
bomer [bomber] crushed into the Empire State Building in New York. Daddy + boys out. 
rained in the evening. hot.
1946 Sunday. to church. to 
dinner at the Hogate. Had 
sea food dinner. saw the 
inside & etc of Lincoln men.
1947 Monday. to Uncle Charlies 
office to type. Mr. W.W. Cheston + Miss 
Ashley there. rained. hot.

July 29
1944 - Saturday. Uncle Gantt + A. Florence 
to dinner. storm tonight. (hail + 
1945 Sunday. Aunt Lucy & Uncle 
Charlie for day. Aunt Florence 
+ Uncle Gantt in evening. rain 
while Aunt Lucy was here.
1946 Monday. To Lee Mansion 
+ National Cemetery, + Fort Myer. 
to [[Allins?]] Inn for lunch. warm. 
Heard Telephone Hour.
1947 Tuesday. Aunt Lucy + I to Art Gallery. 
I went shopping afterwards. hot!!!

Transcription Notes:
Seems correct, though one exclamation mark too many at the end.