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1944 - Saturday. very hot today. Daddy & boys out.

1945 - Sunday. warm & sunny. Rawling & Miss Audrey Daley!! in the afternoon I didn't talk to her.

1946 Monday. didn't go anywhere. very hot out. Uncle Charley not here for dinner.

1947 Tuesday. Cool today. Daddy & Robert Lee out. Rabbit Toryman. hurt my finger on the sewing machine. sick.



1944 - Sunday rain. no one here today.

1945 Monday. heard story of John Basilone (CMH) of N.J. killed on Iwo Jima, married. warm. Cloudy in afternoon. Maj. Richard Borg killed. 

1946 Tuesday. rained didn't go anywhere. got card from Clay Bayley. Heard "Evening with Romberg."

1947 Wednesday.  hot. Helen, Earl brought Cousin Lenie up to stay.