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1944 - Wednesday.  hot today.  Mother washed today.  Daddy, boys & me to Mrs. Smotts saw Bucky & Sistie to Misters Bar.
1945 Thursday. warm. painted picture.  Bony bury today. President Truman spoke at 10 p.m.  windy.  Daddy out.
1946 Friday. shopping downtown. very hot.  cut my hair off.  Mrs. Taylor, Paul's mother, here this evening. Like her a lot.
1947 Saturday.  hot out.  Daddy & boys out.  Read "Your Hit Parade" and "Famous Jury Trials."


1944 - Thursday.  very hot.  Miss Freeman here this morning about 10:00 p.m.  left 11:00 p.m.
1945 Friday.  Daddy & boys out.  Paul Sanders.  Japan says it will conditional surrender 60% only want unconditional surrender.
1946 Saturday. did some shopping today. packed.  very short cut.  Aunt Lucy doesn't feel so good
1947 Sunday.  hot out. heard "One Man's Family, Gene Autry, Album of Familiar Music, Imp Kids, Worlds Most Honored Music & etc."  Mr. Beavers.