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August 23
Wednesday. Daddy to Dr. Baden’s this morning. Went to Marshel Hall this afternoon saw Betty Jean Fort and other friends.
Thursday. rained all day. Mr. Tippet in afternoon. stripped tobacco.
1946 Friday. cut tobacco. Daddy to Brandywine. met out in the morning. Heard Valient ((?)) Lady for the last time. Heard Waltz Time.
Saturday. Rot. washed my hair. Daddy ((&?)) boys out.

August 24
1944-Thursday. Daddy got this tooth pulled today. Mr. Hook was here this afternoon. Daddy out.
1945 Friday. rainy all day long.
1946 Saturday. Aggie Gantt ((&?)) Florence in afternoon. Daddy ((&?)) and boys out. warm in afternoon. cut tobacco.
Sunday. Allie Gibbons ((&?)) Howard Perrie ((Pirrie?)) Maggie, Helen, Earl((&?)) Mae. went home with Mae & ((&?)) Robert. hat. Mr. O’Neil for eggs.