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1944-Sunday .Daddy & boys out. Henry, Mikey & wife. Ruth. all kind of drunk. Harry Washington also here. 

1945- Monday. Daddy & Mark with Mr. Darneil. Little bit warmer today. don't fill as good. canned tomatoes.

1946- Tuesday. Daddy & boys out. cut tobacco. put up some grape jam and jelly. warmer today. washed hair.

1947- Wednesday. rainy out. To W-I-T-H broadcasting status, shopping and movies to see "Martha wore tights with Betty Grable.

1944- Monday. rain. Daddy got a load of lumber down on the other place.

1945- Tuesday. Daddy. Mother & boys [[?]]
cut tobacco and as place.

1946- Wednesday. Tom, Edna & Emily about 12 p.m. stayed until almost 3. Daddy & Robert to [[?]] gone all day, warm.

1947- Thursday. did not go anyplace. Heard Quiz of Two Cities" talked with Mr. Ralph Garrett.