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1944 - Friday and school. Mother to Aunt Katie's. Daddy got us from school. got apples. hot.

1945 - Saturday. Rained. H.H. Winslow & a girl. Daddy & boys out. Mother very sick. Navy beat Duke 21 - 0

1946 Sunday. warm. Uncle Gantt & Aunt Florence in afternoon. Heard Gene Autry & Blondie.

1947 Monday & school. warm out. Marie in Physics class. Listen to handball game 5 - 6 periods. Library Club meeting 6th period. Homeroom club 7th period. 



1944- Saturday and hot. Daddy and boys out. Daddy sick. rain about 8:45 pm. 

1945 Sunday. Ruth Wilson. Franklin to church. warm but slightly windy. Rabbit Tayman. Daddy and boys out.

1946 Monday & school. warm. Science test. Field ball practice 7th period. No Library Club meeting today.

1947 Monday & school. Spanish test. Movie in Physics. Dance 6th & 7th with Maryland Park. Worked in library part of 6th.


Transcription Notes:
Removed left and right page notations per transcription guidelines