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1944- Sunday. Uncle Garett & Aunt Florence, Robert, Mae & Helen about 4:30 p.m.

1945 Monday & school. Tar Heels not here today. warm. Canned chicken in Home Ec. class.

1946 Tuesday & school. windy out. Field Ball practice 7th period. Library meeting 4th period. Math test. Like Mr. Reeder a lot.

1947 Wednesday. 1 min. typing test today. I got 15 1/5 words done. Music [[?]] 5-6-7. "Dead End Kids" - good. warm.



1944- Monday. Aunt Minerva here today. Got a card from Ruth Nelson say's Cousin Sallie was very sick & would not live. School. 

1945 Tuesday and school. Saw Raymond & two negros. Peck and Winslow were in Virginia. One of the negros smashed Pecks truck up. cold. Aggie [[?]]

1946 Wednesday & school. rained all day. movie 7th period "This Promising [[?]] America." Like Mr. Reeder a lot.

1947 Thursday & school. Driving lessons 2 & 4th period. cold. Miss Aggie [[?]] is afternoon. Heard "Henry Aldrich"