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1944 - Sunday to S. School. Daddy out all day (drunk)Uncle Gantt & Aunt Florence. Mr. Swamo. cold.

1945 Monday & school. very cold out. piano tuner in afternoon. Franklin stayed home to dig potatoes.

1946 Tuesday. Election Day. No school. cold. Aggie. Daddy gone all day. [[??]] McKeldin wins for governor.

1947 Wednesday & school. Movie - "My Dog Shep". 5-6-7th periods. warm out. Heard "Mayor of the Town."


1944 - Monday & school. cold. Got something in my eye and cannot get it out.

1945 Tuesday & school. S.S. test 3rd period. New boy in our room today. his names Robert. Franklin stayed home. Holliday Early for day

1946 Wednesday & school. Free movie 7th period. cold out. Democrats won in Md. elections.

1947 Thursday & school. Driving class 1st & 3rd periods. play by 8A 2nd period. History & English test 5-6 periods. Glee Club 7th period. cold out.