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1944 - Thursday. went to school today. eye still hurts me. Test tomorrow in Spelling.

1945 Friday and school. warm out. Robert Baker (new boy) is from Gurgin [[??]] Saw C.E. again today. He's very nice.

1946 Saturday. cold & windy. Litcher to fix house all day. Army 0 Notre Dame 0. West Virginia over Fordham. Daddy & boys out. [[crossed out]] Throne, [[crossed out]]

1947 Sunday. Daddy & boys over on Washington place. All to Aunt Graces in afternoon. got home around 5pm cold & windy.


1944 - Friday & school. cooked in Home Ec. Spelling test. cool outside eye hurts

1945 Saturday. very cool out. H.H. Daddy & boys out. Navy over Michigan. Army over Notre Dame. got letter from Winslow.

1946. Sunday. cool out. Aunt Katie in afternoon. Daddy & boys to corner towards night. Heard Hour of Charm, Gene Autry, Blondie & etc.

1947 Monday & school. History test 5th period. Homeroom club 7th period. cold out. Aggie.