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1944 - Saturday. To Dr. Badens. Daddy, boys to H.H. warm out today. Test Monday on France.

1945 Sunday. cool. Brent Early & wife in afternoon. Daddy & boys out.

1946 Monday. no school today. Letcher, Aunt Katie. rain in afternoon. Worked on house. Daddy out. cool.

1947 Tuesday & no school. Went to Maralboro to buy a coat. rained all day. sold calf & bought some pigs


1944 - Sunday to Sunday School. Aunt Florence, Joe & Estelle today. Daddy, boys & me to Howard Perries & Eddie Gibbons. warm today

1945 Monday & school. Got reports today English A Math A Social Studies A Science B Home Ec. A Music A and Art B. cool outside

1946 Thursday & school. Cold out today. Home room clubs 7 period.

1947 Wednesday & school. cold & windy.