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1944 - Monday & school. seeded wheat. warm.

1945 Tuesday & school. warm. Library Club meeting 4 period. Missty in morning also some rain

1946 Wednesday & School. Game with Maraboro 1-1. very cold & windy out.

1947 Thursday & school. worked in Library 1st period. Driving lessons 2nd. Honor Society 6th. Glee Club 7th. Saw Mr. Fuller's wife & daughter. M.C. Smith in evening. Aggie


1944 - Tuesday & school got reports today. English B Math C S. Studies A gym C Home Ec. B Science B Music B warm today.

1945 Wednesday. cold & rainy. put carboid[[??]] - today. Robert Baker is from Georgia

1946 Thursday & school. Glee Club practice 2nd period. La Plata & Greenbelt played here today La Plata won. cold. Glee Club 7th period.

1947 Friday & school. Typing test. In Library 5-6th periods. Game during 7th period. Gantt & Florence. cold.