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1944 - Wednesday & school. warm. first day of hunting of rabbits. Music today.

1945 Thursday & school. cold. Club 1st period. got turnips up.

1946 Friday & school. cold out. assembly 5-6th periods. Daddy out. Mr. Reeder is nicer every day I think.

1947 Saturday. Turkey supper at Brandywine. I worked there from 3 to 9pm sick, rainy out. Saw Mae, Robert & Norman.


1944 - Thursday & school. Movie in Science of Mississippi River. M.S.E.

1945 - Friday & school. warmer than yesterday in early 50's. Had Library period in Miss Amels room.

1946 Saturday. Letcher to fix house. cold. Army over Penn., Penn State over Navy; Kentucy over W. Virginia 13-0.

1947 Sunday. Minerva, Billy & Louise. cool out. Daddy & boys out. still sick.