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1944 - Friday didn't go to school. Marg. & Henry. Daddy, boys & me to Washington. Boys & [[??]] to Lucys.

1945 Saturday. warm out. washed my hair. Daddy & boys out.

1946 Sunday. rained all day. Daddy & boys out. Heard "Hour of Charm", "One Mans Family" & etc. Mother sick

1947 Monday & school. cold & windy out. Miss Barth asbent. I taught Spanish class in her place. Library meeting 6th period. Heard "Voice of Firestone" & etc.


1944 - Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thorne. Daddy & coons out.

1945 - Sunday. Henry Robinson. Mae, Robert, & Kenny. warm.

1946 Monday & school. cold. Field Ball game 6th period. New boy in my room. Nice (Joe Boswell) report cards

1947 Tuesday & school. Spanish test. cold out. Homeroom club 7th period.