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1944 - Saturday. put straw & brush on strawberries. cool outside.

1945 Sunday. cold outside. got some pine cones. Robert went [[??]] out and got the paper about 3pm

1946 Monday & school. warmer. Joe here beleave he likes me some. 8B boys over 9th. Library Club meeting 7th period.

1947 Tuesday & school. In Library 2 & 6th periods. In music room 3rd. cold out. Talked with Mr. Reeder today.


1944 - Sunday. S. School drew names for Christmas Robert, May, & her mother & father, Mr & Mrs Homer

1945 Monday & school. Piano tuner today. cold out (frost). Movie tomorrow with Jane E. Brown

1946 Tuesday & school. warm (hot). Joe gave me his "good conduct" metal today. Like him a lot. home room clubs. Joe is 17 yr. old.

1947 Wednesday & school until 1pm. movie "Singing Outlaw" - 1 & 2 periods. cold out.