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1944- Thursday & school.
IQ test again. 8th played 7A
in Volley ball won 26 to 6 I 
was on the team. 

1945- Monday and school. Math 
test. (12/3/45-12345) cold.
Daddy got car.

1946 Saturday. warm. washed clothes. No football games today. Mother sick. Pearl Harbor Aniversity [[Anniversary]]. 

1947. Sunday. rained in evening. Daddy & boys out a while in morning.



1944- Friday & school. Dance at 2:15 p.m. also games. Went to Dance. Uncle Gantt & Aunt Florence. rain. no I Q test today. 

1945- Saturday. H.H. Daddy took wood away. Daddy & boys out. 

1946- Sunday warm out (62[[degrees]]F). Mr. & Mrs. O'Neil in afternoon. Daddy & boys out in morning. 

1947 Monday & school. Spanish test. Started new song in Music class. Homeroom clubs 7th period. rain. cool out. Aunt Minerva.