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1944 - Monday & school. rain.
Daddy got me in afternoon from school (Gwynn Park) Donald
must like me very much.

1945 - Tuesday and school. Library Club meeting. cold out. Miss Peck more and more.

1946 Wednesday & school. Jr
Business test. Glee Club 2nd
period. W. Hist. test Miss Valz here. Like Mr. Reeder. Joe here. warm.

1947 Thursday & school. Individual & group pictures taken. History test 5-6th per.
Glee Club 7th period. cold



1944- Tuesday. snow. school half-a-day. only 7 people in my room. Nancy S. Edith B. Harold Robinson. Paul Moran, William Richards & Donald Van Sickle. to Maggies.

1945 Wednesday and school. 9th boys over 10th boys 13-2 Donald played Had music today. Wish Peck was here.

1946 Thursday & school. Algebra test. Glee Club 1st period. Joe was put in the 11th grade today Bo! Ho! Like Mr. Reeder more & more each day.

1947 Friday. Spanish class met in Ag. building. Physics test 3rd per. in Library. In Library 5th per Basketball game with Lackey We won 35-23. cold out.

Transcription Notes:
Dec 11, 1944 - FYI - Gwynn Park High School was author's school Lackey - high school near Brandywine Md. Dec 11, 1946 - Miss Valz - teacher mentioned in earlier (legible) entries