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[[2 pages]] [[page one]]
[[preprinted]] November 14 [[/preprinted]]
Tuesday good day all day. Robert and I to school, men chucked corn all day. Saw Adnia Mae at school and went up to see her at night. Kissed her goodnight, got home at 10:30. [[Mary?]] to work as usual, Robert caught possum last night. 

[[preprinted]] NOVEMBER 15 [[/preprinted]
Wednesday good day all day. Men shucking corn all day. I stayed home and went rabbit hunting. Nelson [[Billiusly?]] at night. Called Adnia Mae [[?]] when I went after [[?]]. Did not go anywhere at night except to bed. 

[[page two]]
[[preprinted]] NOVEMBER 16 [[/preprinted]
Thursday good day all day. Men shucked corn all day, Robert and I to school. Men cutting power lines through on [[?]] Highway. Called Adnia Mae up at night. [[Mary?]] Robert and I to play at school. Met with Adnia Mae then I carried her home got home 11:oclock. 

[[preprinted]] NOVEMBER 17 [[/preprinted]
Fridy fair day all day but awful windy. 1/2 a day school today. men cutting wood on woodpile. I plowing land over on other place [[?]]. Called Adnia Mae up at night, Mary, Mother, Robert and I down to church at night to services they had.  got home 11 oclock