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his life on doing a good job like that one. its where the snow stays on so long & forms ice & the water from the heat of the house cant run off so gets into the house under the shingles.
The bundle came after dinner. I have been serving on the slips. two I have got under way. I may cut the nighties out the last of the week if I can find Theodores pattern Lena left here, the body would be plenty large enough, as he is a big man. That makes me think she has not answered my last letter, so she must be suffering still from indigestion I have escaped a cold so far, so has Mrs. Osborne and hope you dont add to yours. The schools here did not run after the snow storm came, all our plows broke down & it was a long time before all the streets were passable. a terrible heavy snow fall & cold wave came with it. times are bad enough without that added. I pity poor people & envy those who go to a better state of affairs. Now dont try to do so much take life easier dont worry, Ma