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PS. It registered below 0 Friday morning but pleasant. Hope it warms up no wind.  Milk came after dark frozen solid, Ma 

Stoughton 25th 1935

Dear Folks

Our snow storm started Wednesday morning and kept up all day and all night then [[crossed out]]this[crossed out]] this morning everything was blocked up with three feet of snow, our piazza had two feet, that came in to it through the windows & our milkman has not been here today & its after three o'clock we had a boy to shovel us out for Sour Crout but he hasn't appeared yet today.  this mornings temperature was 4 degrees above.  it bids fair to be colder to night with a N West gale it blew a gale all night. no school today. the radio said over 100 perished with the cold in New England.

Mary Ansels funeral was yesterday in all that sever snow storm the poor thing is out of her misery at last. I saw in our Brockton Enterprise an account of her death.  Lottie called me up on the phone last night & told me of her funeral yesterday at the funeral home. the day was such she could not attend. I should think Rebecca Standish would feel as if it might be her turn next, she is stone blind poor thing.  Jim will go soon then Ruby will be alone poor girl its been pretty hard for her to have his care at home, but she has kept the pot a boiling all these years.  Bertie is janater at the Drake school