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today is very sunny we can appreciate it but the wind is coming up it is growing cold. Mrs Osborne is running the machine for the first time. her machine is a Singer, but little different threading. I am looking forward to getting the paper to read the winding up of the trial, he will hear his fate today, as all the evidence will be in I has cost the government too much all ready & hard on Lindbergs to live it through day after day. papers have sold like hot cakes. and people have been well entertained there in. 

I am going to begin on your slips as soon as I hear how long you want them as you did not say after you sent the pattern I should think you might need these longer.

Gertrude Ballentine called on us, the other night, she has been under the Dr's care for some time, all run down & before she got well they gave a supper & dance where she works & in going home early down the marble stairs with her high heels covered with wax from dancing she fell down the whole flight, with her heels high in the air bumperty bump on her side. it pulled three ribs away from their fastening they brought her home & put her in a cast & a doctor from Boston attended her. they payed all the bills and her pay goes on. she must work for a good company.  we love Gertrude she is so nice and jolly. this happened before Xmas.  she is not over it yet. but says she is going back to work Monday. I think my letter will go in the morning. the little letter Doris wrote was a good one. she writes very well & even. hope now your cold is over [[crossed out]] by now [[crossed out]] Ma