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drops. [a young man dressed up for the occasion] he was going the rounds with them in then neighborhood people were keeping open house among their croud we were invited once to Ballentines but didnt go. Mrs Barry was going to communion servises down to the church at midnight. I went off to bed at the usual hour after the Harringtons donation. which was a pretty basket home made of evergreens with a house insid all home made. with a bell hung from the handle made of silver & a box of cakes frosted in different colors & home made candy. I went to Maudes to dinner a very good turkey with vegetables & a very nice ice cream cake, too pretty to eat & the baby we all appreciated he was so good. poor Maudes eye was bad, she is worried, if its possible to her to be worried, they had a large sized turkey we all enjoyed. Albert Giles was there & seemed to work into the party as one of them after dinner (Maude did not bother about doing dishes) we went to distribute the remaining of Maudes presents. then I got Ralph to take me home I was tired & wanted to see to my kitchen fire & got me a little something to eat & my tea then. not sleeping well the night before went to bed & to sleep not waking when Mrs B came hom from Wallerton at Midnight. hope you had a nice xmas & Lena I forgot to say come up in the morning with a lamp shade (handsome) she was invited to stay at the Leggs to dinner. Ma