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[[top margin]] have not heard from Lena since before thanksgiving but see her lights at night 
Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton December 12th 1933

Dear Folks.

Still warm & today the sun is shining, cleared during the night. Louis Dykeman came yesterday to do my room. he scraped off the old paper I managed to sleep in the room last night. after he swept & opened the window he is very clean. the job will not take him long to do. he said the scraping was the hardest part.

Mrs Harrington came down Monday to see us she is coming again after she goes into see the Christian Sience [[Science]] people Wednesday, & Monday she goes in shopping & will take Mrs Barry with her. then another time, she wants me to go in to see Mrs Eddys church & if I feel able to see the hall where Mrs Longyear has fathers & mothers pictures & the rest of the paintings, there on exhibition. she is a kind hearted person but terrible talker. he is a very nice & kind hearted man & the more sensible of the two, he loves the old place. and would be content to stay there. he came here alone to see us & confided his troubles to us. he is obliged to please her in order to live in peace. they will not