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we called them up & she told them they could if they would agree to pay us ten dollars towards the old bill they owe us & we would credit them as such. but they would not think of doing that. it ammounts to $95. still. they give me $5. once in two months or so. people accomodate themselves every time they want things for nothing & we must wait their motion. it is getting dark to write so guess I will eat my supper before she gets home. I am trying to pick out the shell to send you. wish you were here to decide on the one. will ask Blanch to help decide for me, so it wont be the very one you would want to reserve. there are a lot of little ones. so perhaps one of those will answer I wish you had mentioned the size. Blanch has just arrived much pleased with the picture she saw. she likes to go to see the moving pictures. Nellie Standish goes with her her son & his family treat her horrid and so the younger set take pity on her. they never knew her when she was a girl & growing up as we do. I guess she will die alone sometime in one of her bad spells. she has them very often there all alone. her son & wife wish her dead. they seem heartless. I would not use a dog as they do her, with all her faults. Careta & Laura go down at night when she is having a bad spell. they find her uncontious there all alone & so get the doctor & stay with her untill she is better. she is as old as I am into a few years. pity she cannot pass on no one wants her & I do pity her.