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Stoughton Nov 29th 1935

Dear Folks
We had a very quiet Thanksgiving the day was mild it rained after dinner & last night all night it poured the wind blew down from the south a pretty wild night about eight O'clock Ralph, Maude & the baby came they spent their Thanksgiving at Henrys so took the baby & came up to see us while Henry & his wife went to the movies. the baby is good as he can be & he creeps he is cutting his teeth fast. Maude came from the hospital where she has been for the last three weeks. they look much better & is much pleased with the treatment an experiment they used & were greatly encouraged with the result. I do hope she will get over it. I gave her one of my pictures Soper took which gave her a great satisfaction the one with the far off look taken in the front room with the shawl. she said it was good, but did'nt look as well as I did sober, she took the best one of us all down to the shore. Mrs Barry made my mince pies with my mince meat I had made out of some roast meat she was