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home arriving at about supper time. then Lena came in the evenining she stayed two hours or so then I went to bed tired & slept well. Mrs Barry & Nellie Standish met at the pictures as they agreed to do, she told Mrs B that her folks were using her mean, they wish her out of the way. she is alone every night. & is afraid. so the younger people who never knew her when she was growing up, are trying to cheer her up. she is very blue she told Mrs Barry this after noon, isn't Mrs Holmes nice? she has a very sweet face & I never knew her. no doubt the old wreck is to be pitied, she is 78 years old & gets herself up to look very stylish. she wishes she could have Mrs B to cheer her up often she says. if she comes here I told them I would try to be nice with her, but I know she is to blame us she never had anyone she could live with, to bad isnt it. I had a letter come from that Osman crowd to Arthur Holmes I told them he was dead so was Mr Wales I directed them to send to Dedham Probate Court after the copy of Henry Jones will, as the only way out of their difficulty as I could see. lots of fires are going in the woods yesterday, everything is so dry up here I will welcome rain suppose you went to ride as usual Sunday. Tues morning. it rained last night a gentle rain throught the night this morning it is foggy. I am up early trying to make the fire. hope to send this off this morning 
