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Stoughton October 22nd" 1935

Dear Folks

  It is warm & looks very much like rain cloudy weather.  the leaves of the maples are fast disappearing.  the oaks are pretty & remain on the trees.  Mrs. Gilzer called me up Sunday after dinner to invite me to go to ride.  such a beautiful day, so it was impossible to refuse & Mrs Barry said go by all means.  I went in spite of having word that Wallace Pennamen was in town & was coming to call but Mrs Gilzer said we should be home in about an hour.  Wallace & wife were here when I got back so she kept them & entertained them about half an hour till I arrived.  Wallace has grown very old looking he is terribly bent over.  his wife is much younger looking.  she has the care of him and makes him a good wife  he is very much dependent on her but has a strong will like the rest of his ancesters.  the bundle came safe Friday.  I have begun to make patch work.  the cloth is composed of very pretty pieces.  it will make up very pretty am sure.  just beginning to sprinkle a bit.  leaves are over