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the ground everywhere. the crysanthemums are just beginning to blossom. I wish it were coming summer instead of winter. I dread the winter & to be shut in.

Wallaces doctor told him he should have chosen Florida instead of New Hampshire his trouble is bronchial & may lead to pneumonia. with a heavy cold. he is 78 years old & looks to be much older. not many left of the race there is Mary May she is in the old woman retreat very poorly. George & Eunice Monk. George & his wife are very bad heart trouble. Mrs Saulsbury called on me last week & said she waited on him, but she was the worst of the two & it took an hour to dress him & after that she was all in. he is pretty helpless, goes in a wheel chair. Beatrice has been pretty faithful to her father & mother. she had grown very thin. I hope there will be no helpless mess for me, but you can never tell how we are going out. I envy every one who goes quick. We went up to the cider mill in North Easton they don't put anything in to keep the cider & they have vinegar to sell. Mrs Filzer was going to have apple juice for Edward ground by them she has a new car it rides much better than her old one. her dog died they never knew what ailed him. I guess he was poisened her husband big pay  in the symphony keep their books he used to play well I will put the letter in the door now Ma         

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