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she looks older than I do Mrs Barry says. she went up in an air plane. they have a field in Canton she went up for a dollar 15 minutes was the limit. she enjoyed it she said & was not afraid. her neighbor stumped her so she went up the second time for nothing the second time, was only up ten minutes. the womans husband came, he was acquainted with the owner, he had been in the business for 17 years she said so he was perfectly reliable. 
I must finish this letter to put it in the door way, so if the postman does comes, he will take it along. It is another nice day. am up early to turn on the heat, so the bathroom will be warm for my lady. our fire is also made up for the breakfast. she got home before six last night. she is very contented with plenty of friends who are crazy over her. Mr Marshall called on us Wednesday we have had someone here every day this week. I wonder who will be here today. I am glad you can get about so much and take up the things you like you will have more time to do so now the baby is away to school all day. Sid must feel more fit getting out in the open more. I have not heard from Ralphs folks since Alice Teels funeral. she is going to give me a slip she brought from Maine. I loaded Alice down with plants the day she was here well I will now close Ma