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Stoughton October 13th 1935

Dear Folks

We have had a very sunny week our rain came Friday night. then cleared & was pleasant all day Saturday & warm for the holiday. but cooler Sunday.

Winnie Trollope told me she came over to ask me to go to the funeral with her & did not find me here, the house was locked up then she called up Hattie Smith & asked her, but she could not go, as she was going to have Harold come to do some work for her. she said that she often thought of me & was going to take me to ride some time. she also said that Bessie Kelsey was brought here Thursday to be buried, so her husband read in the paper. I did not know of it or see it in my paper. I guess people are good to me, for which I feel very greatful. Mrs Barry is always singing my praises as near as I can find out & telling every body how good I am. so perhaps they think its so, its up to me to try to live up to it. she says she wants me to live, as she needs me. I help her to live I am all she has got. every body is in love with her. you would be surprised to see how she takes. the Toomeys bring her home from the movies whenever they can. Pete McGarveys wife