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the light was poor. I put in quite a busy day for me but took a short snooze just before supper & went to bed early & we both slept like logs all night. Blanch is much better of her trouble she lays it to my Arabian balsam she says she will never be without it. I happened to have it in the house. and remembered it was what mother used for me, when I had it, when a mere child. its an irritation & the oil is soothing also healing. tonight is the harvest moon. this morning it is cloudy & warmer, fixing for a storm so the papers and radio both say.
We are all wondering what is coming next. since Italy got boycotted by the other nations. we are afraid Germany will unite with her & if so, then beware. its not going to be the end of trouble, we are afraid, another world war probably I am afraid but why worry. war is in the air. we sigh for the good old times, they will never return in my day. the trees look so pretty maples are turning green & red & gold I saw them as we rode off through the streets a pretty season of the year.

I hope you are having this lovely weather down there. there are two cases of infantile paralysis here in town Forest Burnhams two children Dr Golding is watching them closely so the paper said. Ma.