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your check came today, so I am sending it in this letter. I am sewing on your last one of the slips it made four enough to last a good while with those I made last winter.

The Boston schools began Monday no new cases of paralysis it said. I hope it is on the wane down your way. I went down cellar this forenoon & brought up the cats dirt box & two more pails of soot & emptied them, put in the window after removing the screen & found a big mouse or small rat in the trap. so threw him out to the blue jays. I am starting slips of my foliage plants for winter, & taking up geraniums in pots. I am dreading winter more than ever this year. Soper called us up this morning to say he was waiting for plates so he could not go up to take the picture until he got it, tomorrow it is liable to be stormy, so it is uncertain when we may go now. they want my picture to help sell the place. they have a picture of Mrs Eddie hung in the room & one taken of me in that upstairs room, they think will be an inducement to Christian Scientist to buy it. a great pity Mrs Longyear had not died, they would had no trouble in selling it. I directed her there but her chauffer could not find it the last time she was in town. so sorry for them they did not know me then. rain during the night but sunny this morning. Ma