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it seems good I wish they would not meddle with it they are foolish.
Friday Soper came from the old place he had been up taking pictures of the different rooms in the old homestead Mrs. Harrington sent me down a dozen of their nice brown fresh eggs. she wants Soper to bring me up there & take my picture in Mrs Glovers room where she wrote her first edition, next week. he has taken some beautiful pictures now & dont you think he has'nt. Mort & Barry will go with us. I think they (the pictures) will help to sell the old place. they are very anxious to get into Boston & will sell it if possible. she has got a good business head on her with plenty of gab, a smart woman. I made four tumblers of grape jell & we ate the white niager's [[Niagaras]]. I found grapes on our vines sufficient, of the purple ones for my jell they ripened in the house, so they were a good color & were good & hard in jell had good luck. I will send you the receipt so if you want to try it you can I did not have any Certo to use but this rule does not call for it. I am afraid this is our warmest day a change is coming an awful black cloud in the west coming makes me feel tomorrow will be colder. I dread the winter. she is such a cold mortal she will feel the winter here I expect. Ma.

Transcription Notes:
Soper is the last name that Ma talks about a lot. He is taking pictures of Ma in her old childhood home, or at least that of her mother's. Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy had lived there for a time - in Stoughton - and Soper is taking pictures of Ma to use in the house to try and sell it. They are calling Mrs. Eddy, Mrs. Glovers, because that was one of her married names. White Niagara grapes is what she said they ate.