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Stoughton September 26 '35
Dear Folks
we are having it warm for the last two days a shower is promised tonight, with cooler weather over the weekend. it is very dry my flowers are in need of water; chrysanthemums are nicely budded & hope the frosts keep off long enough to see the blossoms. I am trying to root that handsome petunia. it has blossomed well all summer so hate to lose it.  
Miss Colcord when we tried to call her up Saturday night she said she was going to stay over there they had made room for her. she also said she had no idea of coming here to stay. we told her we had been to some trouble to prepare the room for her, as we expected her from your letter. she said she guessed we did not read the letter right. but guess she was the one who made the mistake for she came over Sunday morn and seemed to feel sorry about the trouble it put us to & smoothed matters over somewhat. I told her that I was willing to go to some trouble to help people out.(where it is appreciated I had) I guess she was tired Saturday