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Stoughton September 19th 1935

Dear Folks,

To day the wind got into the South West after a frost the night before in the low lands & the weather is much more seasonable it is working around to showers which may occur before morning. I am here alone this afternoon she being to the movies. I am taking comfort my way in doing what I like to do without any one to hinder me. a change is good for us all once in a while. the woman who is staying with Careta convelescing (some of the Mardens) called last night at supper time. fortunely we had just finished our supper. she said she was feeling pretty blue. she thought Mrs Barry would cheer her up. Careta was away, she did not expect her home 'till to day. so Blanch soon had her laughing in great shape. she wanted to see the house up stairs & down she liked it very much indeed. she lives in an apartment house in Boston & her husband is a traveling salesman. I guess he does'nt work much. she had an operation for gall stones & Careta pitied her & so asked her out to her house rather than have her stay in town alone while she was getting over the effects of the operation. Careta is a mighty generous & good hearted soul she said she would give away her