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shirt if she though any body needed it more than she did, & she certainly would. every body loves her, & are loud in her praise. a christian woman I went over yesterday after some apples not many but what few there were were worth saving. Perhaps they will taste good in a pie, or sauce, they wont go to waste any how. The side walk is about done the Ballentines are the ones to take advantage of things where the town helps pay. I dont believe its going to be a lasting job. they still hold on to the dog, so guess he is a fixture. he has a new collar I see. & Addie takes to him. he does not bark as much as he did. so they may keep him. hope so for Gertrudes sake.

Mrs Barry went to the movies & said they had a very interesting show birds & things she said it would be very interesting for the baby to have seen. she met Lena there & they came home togather she went in & saw her house she also thought it was as I did. it was very pleasant & told Lena so she advised her to stay & live down the things she complained of. telephone one side of her, and noisy children the other side. she told her she got the best of her nerves when she lost her husband & everything else she had. if she hadnt she would have become a raving maniac & told her she could do the same. she said she would come up & see us. so I suppose she will. she does'nt know her own mind & no object in view. I am glad you got home with no more mishaps. I got your two cards. this letter is written so you may get it before Sunday. hope the cat enjoys his home life fleas or no fleas. the house seems still without you now Ma