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wife the boys come into their shares when they are 21. Tommie is that age now. the next to him is 16 & the youngest 10. Marion told Blanch this yesterday. she takes to her as they all do. we are going to have lamb boned & cooled with beans & carrots she is not going to church, she is washing out some clothes but it has begun to sprinkle. Blanch tells me everything about his affairs. she says Mamie Kate has got over her jealousy because she was so praised when she sung in church & is the her old self again. she hates to have her cousin praised. she wants all the attention she is very selfish. but she is nice with me & likes me she says. Eldon Holmes is a fine man we both see that. he is pretty well off & has a big salary. Forests widow is very bad. she has Colitis Marion invited her down to the beach without Careta last week she said she was very bad all the time. she was there & is growing worse. it was nice to give them a good time for a week. Alice Woods walked up to here to see me yesterday for the first time since xmas. she looks old like her mother. her troubles are many. that Eva Brahman has lost her mind entirely. she takes care of her but is not able to. she is my age and will live forever I am afraid. not any money. she has her eight dollars a week old age pention. poor thing lost her money. she had two husbands. I hope you dont work too hard this hot weather. my pills I am about out of now. Ma 
they are high priced here. those nighties I finished last week.