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Stoughton August 8th 1935

Dear Doris,

We are having cool weather since this week came in. it seems good after our hot muggy days of the past week. I have just finished the night dresses. Ralph & Maude & Hattie Ripley came up night before last Ralph was having such a good time he did not want to leave but Maude remembered Henry & his wife wanted to go to see moving pictures & dragged him away against his will. he is anxious for you to come up on your vacation & asks when you are coming every time he comes. does he write? they are looking better Maude's eye is better she thinks. the baby is cutting his teeth very easy he had two before they were aware of it. some folks have just such luck. but I had no such children too nervous well I managed & got through after a fashion. but now am paying for it in nerves at the latter end. Mrs Barry is going to the movies this afternoon. she likes to go once in awhile the same as Lena. she is coming up to hunt over the rubbish heap to find an old vase