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did not feel conscious at the time. she is a writing medium but wont give up to it. she says she has lost ten pounds & wants to lose ten more, then she will be content. she tells people this seems more like a home than anything else. that I am lovely to live with. we help each other to live & she is very happy here.  little brownie came over he barked when we let him in I told him to lie down which he did his folks were away. he staid on the porch all night & never made any noise. they had fire works & lots of shooting down on the high school grounds the band played, but no noise from him though the night. I had hard work to send him home even. well Lena came up last night. she wants to look over our rubbish barrel in order to get out her broken vase that went down with the shelf. she thinks she might mend it. did you ever. she has more rubbish now than she has any room for. we had a nice rain this morning before light. it looks like more now. it is very dry. the skunks are digging up our lawn after grubs and worms. they're hard put for food it never was much drier. this rain seems a good thing such a hot sun poured down in spite of our cool wind yesterday. last night was a beautiful evening Lena coming I had opened the little building & I forgot to close it I thought about it after I got to bed & so went out in my night dress & shut it up. she drove it out of my head coming as she did well hope you are not suffering with heat Ma