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Stoughton August 3rd 1935
Dear Folks
Its cooler today & suns good I am starting my letter early as he did not come to yesterday but will come this morning we sent off our mail yesterday by the milkman for he is very obliging. she went down to practice with the quire [[choir]] they rehearse Friday night in the church. Reynolds brought her home before nine O'clock he is pleased over her singing & he plays beautifully they help each other. she says it is very different singing after his playing than trying to sing after Frank Toomeys.
Gertrude came over to see me last night after Blanch went down to church to practice they start this noon on their vacation. they have hired their cottage at Chatham for the month of August. she has got to work but goes down over the weekends. but is looking forward to it with great pleasure. Addie is the favored one in the family but Gertrud is their support. she gets discouraged sometimes for Addie is so bossing & comes over all messed up we sympathize & she feels better poor girl.