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Stoughton July 28th 1935 
Dear Folks 
We have had it cool since Friday. it seems good the weather is liable to change back any time & the wind get back into the south. I had not been any where up to Friday when I went to ride with Mrs. Gilzer so of course Lena came that night & found me gone the Ballentines said she was much disappointed naturally. it is generally the way stay at home no one comes but the minute you go then they do. she is there alone  the Leggs are away to their shore cottage we went to the hospital where Ernestine is an inmate they say there is no help for her she has been an inmate they say there is no help for her. she has been an inmate now for over two years. her little children are with the Leggs. Mrs Leggs health is not of the best. she is a very good woman she thinks Lena is very queer. I dont think any one wants her as she is now. it is too bad. no one suites her. for a spell untill the new wears off then she is winey I wonder what the Otts think ails her. I dread seeing her. she makes me terrible nervous crazy on herself & growing worse. Mrs Gilzer is the same over her boy. she is also getting worse. Mrs Hammond says he ought to be taken away from her and fed properly. he is simply starving for want of proper food. everything is strained & sifted. it is too bad & she simply cant be told, she knows it all.