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well Mrs Barry has just got home from church. Mary Laython & her boy & Addie Washington all go to the same church so they ride down with them. Blanch is to sing in church next Sunday. she is a splinded singer they are mad here in town over her. she has a powerful well trained voice. that is what she was meant for but her father was not willing to have her sing on the stage. she could have earned her living easy in that way. it is too bad. now she lost her money it is just what she likes to do. house keeping is too menial for her but she does fine & does not feel above her station poor girl. she is lovely & everybody is ready to help her. a little boy came to mow the lawn after Smith left. he does fine I gave him $5. he took it down the mower to have machine sharpened & brought it back. so you see I am helped out of my difficulties. Ella finds it hard to manage since Amos died. if I could get about I would risk but what I could do things. but try to be content just the same. it may not be forever. my Scotch roses did not mature but the bushes are growing & look thrifty. next year they will blossom my dinner is now ready. pork chops & new potatoes are the bill of fare. with cucumbers & tomatoes & lettuce. my food tastes good. I take soda after my meals. it keeps my stomach sweet Ma