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Stoughton July 23rd 1935

Dear Folks

The thermometer is running pretty high these days, it is 80° at 10 o'clock + very humid. we are in for a hot day no doubt. the paper has it that a star in the firmament is letting out a heat of greater intensity than the sun. you can see it in the west at night. God help us if we have much more to contend with. this administration, all the crime we read about, floods earthquakes. fires, drownings, auto accidents, what is coming next?

Over in the next yard Addie and her ma are sitting out in their reclining chairs in the shade trying to keep cool. July has so far been a hard month to get through, we are having more rain, but the damp air is with us night + day. I see nothing of Lena a card has come here for her which I am keeping so when she does show up. the Leggs are away to the shore

PS Alice has had 2 more teeth out. she feels better. Dorothy stayed with the husbands folks. so she did not have to take them to board during the time of the funeral. Mira had nothing to live for after her home was broken up no one has. but they cant always die as she did lucky Mira. Maude is going in to see about her eyes Thursday again. Ralph is going to write so Maude said
