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Pretty hot & most night the sun is hot hotter hottest Blanch is still down town. six O'clock I had my tea & am sweating. Ma

Stoughton July 18th 1935
Dear Folks
South West wind with a hot sun Careta just called in her new car to take Blanch down to the Marshal residence where they have been invited to play cards to help the Episcaple church.
Word has come today that Myra Upham has had a second attack of the heart, which has proved fatal so she has gone to her final rest. they probably will send her body here for burial, in Evergreen cemetery with the rest of her family. she had nothing to live for. we both envy her an easy death also a quick one.
Ralph and Maude were here last night he looks old & thin & she has some trouble with her eyes had an operation on one she cannot see, the sight of one eye is closing up, a caterack. they are much worried over it. painfull she was going in today again to have it treated. I gave them a chance to say something about Henries buying a house. but they did not say anything that he had. so perhaps Addie who told us, did not get the report right. Ralph was anxious to know when Sidney was coming up on his vacation. I read them your last two letters. I asked about Amy her father told Ralph she had taken over Anna Monks tenement & was keeping house & making a home there for his child & was bearing up well. his suffering reconciled her to his death Leonard thought.